A business only succeeds when the community around it succeeds.
We work every day to create aproduct that is truly Malaysian and to make Malaysia proud.
We are a homegrown brand aiming toserve the region.

Growing up in a family that owned one of Malaysia’s most loved confectionary brands, Joseph indulged in business conversations with his parents from young. After graduating with a Degree in Business and Innovation and a minor in Finance, Joseph immersed himself into various areas of corporate finance and business before finally joining his family’s empire.
Joseph first heard about kombucha from a friend who discovered it during a trip to Bali. But it was only after he tasted it that he started toying with it as a business idea. He discovered 3 pain points in the local kombucha market -Affordability, Taste, Accessibility. Foreign brands did not suit the local palate and local brands needed better marketing. Though the success of kombucha was yet unproven, Joseph trusted in his own instincts, found the right partner, and set off to bring kombucha to Malaysians.
A biologist by profession, Boon started experimenting with kombucha after tasting a home made batch brewed by his cousin. It inspired him to ferment his own and infuse it with the vast variety of local herbs and spices found in Malaysia.
He went on to sell homemade batches and created a hands on syllabus and classes to teach the masses on kombucha brewing.
When Joseph approached him with a vision to create a new brand which combines great flavour, easy accessibility and affordability, the decision to collaborate was a no-brainer.
Drawn to the art of mixology, Boon is fascinated by the limitless flavours that one can create through blending the mix of herbs, spices and fruits with kombucha.
In his free time, he spends time with his family of 3, his rescued cat Twinkle whilst managing his vermicompost and edible garden.

Admin and operations:
Rahmawati, or fondly known as Wati, started off doing part-time work for us with the labels.
Though it was just labelling we fell in love with her commitment to perfection and her headstrong attitude. Naturally we invited her to join us full time.
She assist our daily operations and also oversee the administration of online orders. Her personal favourite is our Original Kombucha blend. Her words, “Boss, saya suka kombucha yang asli, x yah campur apa-apa pun da sedap”. If you are ordering our drinks online, just add in, “Thanks Wati” , that will definitely make her day.
Boon met Rosly when he booked a taxi ride a few years ago. Back then Grab was not popular yet and getting a good and reliable driver was difficult to come by.
On one of the trip back home with Rosly, a chance conversation opened up the doorway to join our team. Rosly commented that life of a taxi driver is now more competitive with the inclusion of Grab and the 10 hour days daily on the road has given him bad problems.
Instinctively Boon offered a place in the logistics team to Rosly. Since then has gone strength to strength ensuring fresh batches of WonderBrew are promptly replenished and easily accessible to all.
Fast forward to the present, Rosly says he is “Thankful to God” for the opportunity to work for WonderBrew which only requires half a day’s work but gives him double the satisfaction. If you see an uncle in one of the grocers arranging WonderBrew drinks, do say Hi to our very own Uncle Rosly.

Farmer and produce supplier:
Ivan Ho
We first got to know Ivan from his Bandar Harapan project, a community farm in Ara Damansara. Since then Ivan has moved his operations to KKB with a farm that uses holistic and chemical-free produce. Under the Jungle Family education programme, he holds retreats in the jungle to bring people closer to nature.
WonderBrew is a proud to contributor and beneficiary of this organic farm initiative run by Jungle Family by contributing our used tea, herbs and fruits to create top soil, whilst receiving some of the fruits from the healed land as well.